Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Special Shout Out!

Okay, it's really really rare for me to meet a total random stranger to be super sugary-sweet and be totally bad-ass at the same time! I want to take the time to give a shout out to one of my readers named Nathan, who sent me the most sweetest, teeth-decaying email EVER. He first made a comment on my Lady Gaga/Rick Genest inspired makeup saying how he'd use it as in inspiration for an upcoming Monster Ball he was going to attend. Of course I was ecstatic and completely touched! Nathan also said he'd email me a photo of the end result! TOO COOL right?! I also have to mention that he didn't have any makeup experience prior to this so I shared a few tips and tricks to help out and make him be the best lookin' "Little Monster" in that swarming crowd.
So are you ready?.........

ASDFASDF! BAD ASS!!! Nathan (right) and his equally Bad-ass boyfriend!♥

As soon as I saw the picture, I was smiling from ear to ear. Never have I felt this super happy in so long! I was genuinely touched to the point of tears! Along with the picture was this email. And yes, he did give me permission to post his content. ;)

Hi DC!

As promised here is a pic of me with the skull makeup! Yours looks a million times better and I couldn't do all the fancy details haha:

Coutesy of OCweekly!

I'm on the right, and the other person is my boyfriend! ^.^ Everyone LOVED it! Radio stations, newspapers, and random fans wanted pictures. And this is the best part...we had floor seats and were right in front of Gaga. She saw us and pointed saying she loved it. It was only 2 seconds but that made my entire night! Thanks again for the inspiration and tips!!! <3


HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT?! GAGA HERSELF! I was super happy for them both! I was an extremely giggly, overly excited 4-year old right then and there!! I still am whenever I read it! Oh man. I don't think this blog post can ever justify how much happiness I truly feel. It makes me realize all over again why I love doing what I do and not to give up even when there are times where I just want to quit. People like Nathan wholeheartedly inspire me to push myself even more to do what I know I can do and then some. Yeah, even if it was the teensyest bit of help that I contributed, I am just so glad that it made his night even better. Which makes my entire life better. And for a beginner, he did a pretty damn good job!! A+++!

Again, I know I've said it tons of times already, thank you Nathan!


P.S. My cheeks hurt from smiling.

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